[Heeplist] Band's decide who they perform with!

Bob Winward uriahheep at comcast.net
Mon Jun 3 07:07:48 EDT 2013

I did not see a post about Bernie or I would not have asked (repeatedly).
There is a good chance I missed the email.  Often during the day, I glance
at the emails on my iphone.  If it was around the time Trevor passed away, I
was having a huge family crisis at the home front.  Also I get tons of work
email as I work remotely from the office.  I have 5 email addresses
(including the work one)  All with Spam pouring in.  plus you keep endorsing
me 3 times a day on linked in for the same skills it seems and each time I
get an email.  So chances are I may have deleted or missed.

I am sure if there was something about Bernie, I would have noticed, but I
could see where I could have missed also.  I just thought for sure the
person I had in mind on the list that corresponds with Bernie would have
spoke up. That is whom I was waiting for, and trying to get a response from.

On 6/3/13 1:17 AM, "Rick Wilson" <futureprimitive1 at gmail.com> wrote:

> The same goes for
> my comments about Bob Winward.  He is my brother in Heep, but, obviously,
> if HE doesn't know a thing then it cannot be true.  I told him privately my
> sources, which I do not need to expose here for all on the list.
> Rick
> [?]
> P.S. - Who is Charlie or Charlotte?  lol

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