[Heeplist] New Album Cover?

Bob Winward uriahheep at comcast.net
Wed Jun 6 07:02:22 EDT 2018

It seems Heep never releases their best songs as the single.  This one has a
hard edge to it, I can definitely hear the producers influence.  However,
the vocals sound more like late 70's Judas Priest, Rainbow.  I definitely
like how the mix gives Bernie a harder edge.  This song sounds closer to
Into the Wild than Outsider.

It is much better than Nail on the Head, probably not as good as One Minute,
but it is showing a lot of potential.  I thought there was plenty of jamming
organ that hit about 2:50 into the song which is just over 4 minutes.

So lets raise a "HeepFull Glass" to good things coming form UH!

On 6/6/18, 12:30 AM, "Don Malecic" <docofun at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hahaha Bob,
Your glass is so full it¹s overflowing !
But that¹s great!

> different is they¹re just playing more notes , still with the Heeo
> you listen to say Winery dogs ³ elevate² it is somewhat similar to that
> and is interesting that Jay Ruston was the producer of the Winery

> not sure if Heep was influenced by the dogs or, Jay on that
> particular
Still hoping for more originality, space, creative sounds and
> themes in the
rest of the album. Will see! So far so good!
I think what¹s
> bugging me is the organ , need more creative and  different
sounds with
> keyboards.

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