[Heeplist] Outsider revisited

Igor Shveitser zlenko_iv at mail.ru
Mon Nov 10 12:33:55 EST 2014

I respect any opinion, but see it myself  from quite a different angle: Phil Lanzon, Bernie Shaw, Russel Gilbrook, Davey Rimmer plus Mick Box mostly play  the songs, initially written and performed live by Hensley, Byron, Box etc.. - I intentionally, on purpose, name the former band members in the order of their contribution to the music of classic Heep. The only similarity between the bands is the name plus the figure of lead guitarist, who is, of course, still great and perhaps even better than ever... but we all know it ain't enough to even come close to "that" Heep from all points of view. And I wouldn't compare the two: this band, as I stated many times before, has its own unique style; it shines, regarding studio work, on the modern rock skies no worse than the legend did in the 70-s.  But when it comes to live concerts, modern Heep, - perhaps, not intentionally but still it's a fact - competes with that band playing live the likes of Gypsy, July Morning etc. and, in my eyes loses in almost every way. Having Lee and Trevor it was a bit different 'cause they knew better how to play Heep music properly. Having Mr. Lawton on stage made it even better - John is the singer, I tell ya' :))) Having said that, I still enjoy the Outsider and would love to see it played live in all it entirety while most of the classics should be left out for they truly do not belong to this band and in their "reading" the songs are nothing but covers really.
Cheers, Igor

Mon, 10 Nov 2014 08:07:12 -0500 от Bob Winward <uriahheep at comcast.net>:
>I do not agree, a cover band, covers the material of others.  Uriah Heep
>continues to produce fresh new vibrant music!!  They may not sound as great
>as 70's Heep but they have evolved and from what I see, Outsider is highly
>enjoyed and accepted by most fans.
>In contrast, you could take Styx, an oldies cover band who plays old songs.
>Their last cd was a cd of covers right?  No new music.
>Bob "All Heep is good Heep" Winward
>On 11/10/14 7:51 AM, "Igor Shveitser" < zlenko_iv at mail.ru > wrote:
>>   With him they finally turned into what Heep became ages
>> ago - a very professional cover band with one original member.

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