[Heeplist] (no subject)

Bob Winward uriahheep at comcast.net
Mon Aug 18 08:08:18 EDT 2014

Kevin, I am shocked!!  No Time is one of my favorite all time songs ever.
"No Time left for you, on my way to better things...."

I remember when Burton Cummings left the band.  I was hoping Heep would pick
him up as he was the only vocalist I could think of that would rival David.

I was there when Guess Who was current and loved their music.  Then came BTO
and they know how to take care of business!!

On 8/17/14 3:02 PM, "Kevin Julie" <kevinj.1969 at yahoo.ca> wrote:

> the Hip! Uhhg!  over played bar band. 
anyway, aside from a few Guess Who
> songs [the full version of American Woman, Guns Guns Guns...] - I've heard
> most more than I need to. no big deal.

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