[Heeplist] Flames

DAVID M SHERROD porcupineheep at cox.net
Wed Apr 2 02:12:26 EDT 2014

 Good or bad I was just happy to see there is still some life left on the list. I just hope we can get back to talking music and not fighting. There is a lot going on with Heep right now with a new album in June, and a DVD to follow, and I hope we can get more information on that, and even the many Heep related releases coming out. As a music fan I also enjoy the Zeppelin talk and all other music, for me it's great to get my mind off the important things going on in life around the world. Truth is music and Heep are the only thing a lot of us have in common, and some of us have found more in common with a few people and became great friends. So let's keep it about music and respect each others opinion, and embrace our differences. DS

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