[Heeplist] There's gonna be a Heepvention in Belgium

Cláudia Leão claudia.plf at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 23 17:59:07 EDT 2013

Great news Staf!! 

2015 - I think I can make it!!!
(If I go back to work in early 2014 as planned I will have enough time to save money for this awesome event!)



On Oct 23, 2013, at 11:50 PM, staf.p at skynet.be wrote:

Hi all,
here's my final decision on the Heepvention subject.

I am accepting the chalenge, i am all prepared to start organising a wonderful event here in the land of the best beer, the land of the best chocolate, the land of the real fries, Belgium.
So, put your dollars in a jar on a daily basis already. This event will bring something old and something new together for sure.
Some input from Alan Keetley, from Lars O. Nonstad and from David Amendolara and some others outside the Heeplist, will make this a very special event. You are warned, if you don't attend, you are so terribly wrong. Easy for me to say? Yes of course, i know ;-).

But i know in my heart, those who have been on a Heepvention before, know that it is always something special, meeting up with Heepsters from around the world. Playing music together, meet the bandmembers of the past. They all love their fans and so they love to come and mingle.

For the moment i am aiming on early august 2015, so that's more than a year from now.

Some people offered me to help with website and facebook profile, t-shirts, names and numbers, thanks guys, you know who you are.

So, all i ask of you all, if you have nothing else planned for august 2015, don't plan anything but a travel to that little country next to England and Germany, under Holland and above France (for those who seem to have problems situating my country).
I remember someone here asked me from where i was when i entered the Heeplist, saying "Aah Belgium, the town above Paris". Come and convince yourself that this is a very nice country, with the best taste in alot of things.

Hope to be able to have more information very soon, hope to see alot, if not all, of you.


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