[Heeplist] [NHC] Some Great New Music

Dave Crookham crookham at peoplepc.com
Mon Jun 10 01:17:59 EDT 2013

I think I've kinda burned out on Eurpean prog metal for now. How did Blood 
Ceremony go from an organ drenched sound to kinda something that sounds like 
a folk rock version of Jethro Tull? I don't hate it, but how do you just go 
and totally changes genres?


-----Original Message----- 
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2013 12:49 AM
To: Heepsters Mailing List (Travellers in Time)
Subject: Re: [Heeplist] [NHC] Some Great New Music

Interesting, I think the new Blood Ceremony is their best yet, I will say I 
find the metal bands to be the most interesting, and a pretty decent year 
with band's like Serenity and Visions of Atlantis putting out the best 
albums that I just can't stop playing, I also like the new live album from 
Rhapsody of Fire, and band's like Kingcrow, and Circus Maximums also have 
strong album's this year along with Firewind and Evil Masquerade. DS

Dave Crookham <crookham at peoplepc.com> wrote:

>It's been a boring year for my music-wise so far. I'm much like Dave S. in
>that I primarily listen to stuff I haven't heard before. Not really any
>keepers except the new Purple CD, and that doesn't even compare to their
>glory days, it's just so much better than most of the post Blackmore
>material. I was anticipating some new CD's from bands I've liked in the
>past, but band like Blood Ceremony (is this even the same band?) have let 
>down greatly.
>Now in the last week or 2 I've gotten 2 great CD's that will stay in my
>The first is The Black Star Riders _All Hell Breaks Loose_ CD. I got into
>Thin Lizzy late. For some reason when their material came out in my teens I
>just didn't get it. Some time in my 40's, I finally gave it another shot
>(mostly because of the Gary Moore connection) and fell in love with it. 
>Scott Gorham announced they were doing new material I kept an open mind but
>wondered what they could come up with. Now with my 50th birthday looming in
>a couple of weeks (hard to believe I met a lot of you guys in my early
>30's!), Gorham's Black Star Riders deliver an absolute gem. This CD shows 
>nothing at all that Gorham was a huge part of the Lizzy sound. This 
>sounds like one of the best Thin Lizzy records period. Ricky Warwick's
>vocals are perfect for the group, and there is no filler here at all. Next
>to Jailbreak, it's as good as any Lizzy record first track to last.
>The second is John Elefante's _On My Way To The Sun_.  The former Kansas
>singer works under his own name this time rather than Mastodon which he
>released the excellent 3 CD under 2 or 3 years ago.  If you didn't know
>better, at times you would think this was an Elefante fronted Kansas CD.
>Much of it sounds tempo wise like his Kansas work, but some of the musical
>interludes would fit right in with Leftoverture or earlier era Kansas. In
>fact Rich Williams and David Ragsdale of Kansas do make appearances. As a
>long time Kansas fan, this is like manna from heaven. It is far superior to
>Kansas offshoots like Native Window or Steve Walsh's solo stuff. Highly
>recommended for any Kansas fan. One warning: Elefante is primarily a
>Christian artist, and his lyrics are a bit more overtly Christian than 
>Livgren's typical Kansas lyrics. Still a must buy.
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