[Heeplist] Closer to Your Dreams

Bob Winward uriahheep at comcast.net
Thu Apr 13 10:40:47 EDT 2023

Wow, we finally reached the last song on the new album.  The song starts out, sounding like a mixture of Easy livin' and Free 'N' Easy, all rolled into one.  In my opinion, this could've been a single because it sound more familiar to someone that has not heard keep over the last 50 years since the early 70s. Once you get past the beat and music sounding like the fore-mentioned singles is really a lively tune, some really nice guitar riffs by Mick, and a great way to close out the album. 

Overall, I think it is certainly the new cd is closer to our dreams of what would we want Uriah Heep to sound like!  I have listened to the CD continuously daily since January 27, so in the third month, it still sounds as fresh and innovative as ever,  very pleased. Would be nice to see some of your thoughts.

All Heep is good Heep!

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