[Heeplist] Save Me Tonight

Bob Winward uriahheep at comcast.net
Sun Mar 12 16:47:02 EDT 2023

Well we all got to hear the opening track  a week or two early as it was released as a single.  The song is written by Dave Rimmer.  At first I thought it reminded me a lot of Grazed by Heaven.  It is pumped up and fast, and sort of reminds me of the version Heep did for several years recently of the pumped up Return to Fantasy.  Honestly I was not overly crazy about the song when I first heard it, I thought it sounded rushed and too slickly produced.  However, once I heard the demo version on the deluxe edition of the cd, in its rawer form, I grew to love the song.   The Heep version has an awesome extended keyboard solo at the 2 minute mark with some furious drumming by Russel, so the song finishes very strongly.

Wondering what others think of the opening track?  Is there any discussion on the new CD on Facebook?  I am going to do a daily review of each track, rather than the long reviews I did in the past.  I get the feeling no one really cares much about Heep anymore.  On a side note, when I ask for Uriah Heep on my Echo Dot (Alexa)  the playlist is mostly Byron era.  My wife keep saying who is that, he sounds much better than current vocalist.

I love all the Bleep from Uriah Heep!

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