[Heeplist] Styx Crash of the crowns

Bob Winward uriahheep at comcast.net
Tue Jul 13 19:41:55 EDT 2021

During my college years Styx, Heep  and Kansas were my favorite bands. I loved the 2007 release CycloRama, however I wasn't crazy about the release couple years back of the mission I guess because all the songs are so short. However this new one that they just released in June even though it has 15 songs and they are all fairly short it's really good I've listen to it once through so far on Amazon music and it blew me away on the first listen which is rare for me. Usually takes me four or five times through before I really start getting into things. 

I know this is about another band but I truly believe sticks got their inspiration from early Heep

Bob Winward
All Heep is Good Heep!

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