[Heeplist] Carolina Rummy

lethridge@carolina.net . lethridge at carolina.net
Sun May 24 13:08:11 EDT 2020

Carolina rummy is a variation on our version of Canadian rummy. Canadian rummy requires 4 people. So I came up with Carolina rummy which can be played with just 2 people. My wife and I play it a lot to help pass the time enjoyably during this time. Hope you enjoy!!

Canadian Rummy
Requires 2 full decks of cards including 4 jokers
Requires 4 people, playing in teams of 2. Partners sit across the table from each other.
Game is played to 1500. (If both teams go over 1500, higher score wins.) One player serves as a score keeper.
Card values are as follows:
Queen of Spades-                100 pts.
Joker-                                     50 pts.
Ace-                                        25 pts.           Questions?  lethridge at carolina.net
10 thru King-                        10 pts.
3 thru 9-                                                5 pts.
A deuce is wild and takes on value of the card it is played with, except when played with the Queen of Spades, then its value is 10 Pts.
The game starts by one player dealing out 13 cards to each person and putting one card the pile. If the pile card is a deuce, the dealer gets to keep it and puts another pile card in place. (The player to the left of the dealer deals the next hand.)
The first player (the player to the left of the dealer) can either draw from the deck or pick up the pile. A player picking up the pile must have two matching cards to go with the top card.  The entire pile must be picked up.  The top card and the two matching cards must be played on the table.  The player’s turn ends when he/she discards a card.
A player may lay down 3 or more like cards; e.g. 3 Kings, 2 Kings and a Deuce, or 1 King and 2 Deuces; runs are not allowed.
One member of the team keeps the cards in sets on his/her side of the table.  Both partners can play on the sets.
A hand continues until someone  goes out.  There are 2 ways to go out: with or without a discard. Note: With a discard, hand is over. Without a discard, the other 3 players each get 1 more turn.
Players on the team that did not go out have to count the points still in their hands and subtract total from the points on the table. Note: this may result in a negative score. Points are not deducted from the team whose partner went out.
Carolina Rummy
Same rules as Canadian Rummy, except 2s and 3s are wild. Two or more people can play as singles.

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