[Heeplist] Bob's review of Sellersville show

RICHARD Barrett RICH937 at msn.com
Sun May 26 19:30:33 EDT 2019

Hope everything gets worked out at home.

This sounds just like the show I saw. Except for the talking to the band part!
It had to be one of the best shows I've seen.

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From: Heeplist <heeplist-bounces at travellersintime.com> on behalf of Bob Winward <uriahheep at comcast.net>
Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2019 3:07:02 PM
To: Heepsters Mailing List (Travellers in Time)
Subject: [Heeplist] Bob's review of Sellersville show

Sory it took so long to write this up, we had a automotive breakdown after
the show, then once back home, a horrendous week at work and with some
family members.

On Monday May 20, I arrived at Sellersville, along with my wife Susan.
Didn¹t see too many folk I knew, of course David Bateman was there.  He used
to be on our list and have the email Œpoetsjustice at yahoo.com²   I also had
the pleasure of meeting Richard Barret and his wife Debbie.  A couple of
guys whom I did not remember or know, said ³hey aren¹t you ³All Heep is Good
Heep²?  Sellersville is a nice quaint old time theater with about 300 seats.
There is a great view from anywhere there and the sound acoustics are
awesome.  While I was near the merchandise table, Scampi the tour manager
came by.  I chatted with him a few minutes, then some woman asked me if that
was Mick Box.   Well they do have similar hair style, but Mick¹s is all
white now.  I later told Mick he looks like Santa Claus, but a trim slim
version.  He thought that was funny.

In my next review I will do song by song, but want to now give overall
impressions.  First of all setlist was onstage taped to floor, in a couple
of places.  (always where Mick stands, and Bernies mic is).  I took the
picture, but Stealin¹ was missing from the printed setlist, but they did
play it before Easy Livin.  I thought last years show, was maybe a tad
better, because it included more classics spread though the ages (highlight
was Shadows of Grief), however this time it was 1970-1074, then 1981, then
all new from the CD LTD. However, I was excited to hear the new songs live,
and have never seen heep so recently after a release.  2 years ago after
Outsider, I only saw 4 new songs live.

The 6 new songs played from LTD were true to form, Rocks in the Road was a
highlight for me, as it showcased all the talent in the band and I hope is
a new classic to be played live for years to come.  It is a great song live,
because of all the changes.  Waters Flowing, was well received, sounded very
progressive live, and the Na Na was not irritating at all.  As a matter of
fact, the audience sang along and gave somewhat of an ovation afterward.
Also it was mid-show, perfectly timed to slow things down a bit.

Mick is like a fine wine, getting better with age, he seems to play faster
and with more passion than ever.  He still does all the motions with his
hands and sound effects, always a treat to watch.  His solos on the new
material were blistering live and really brought out the flavor of the new
songs.  Some may blame the producer, but this was Uriah Heep actually
playing new songs live and they sounded as good as on the record and true to

Davey is quite a talented bass player.  I letter told him about the store in
the USA called Kmart, and the blue light specials.  I mentioned this because
on some songs he lit up the bass with blue lights.  I cannot rate him or
compare him as heep has been blessed with so many great bass players.  What
I can say is, he continues the legend, carving out his own niche and style
while yet replicating the true Heep sound!!  I love his melodic solos,
particularly towards the end of Knocking at Your Door.

Russell, he is ferocious on the drums, I have always said that, I can say,
he hits the cymbals less than he used to, but maintains the high powered
drumming style.  He is not just a beat keeper, he is a true talent and one
of the most aggressive and impressive drummers I have ever seen.  Even next
to last song, Sunrise, he was still hopping  up and down and playing like a

Phil is such a talented keyboard player and can faithfully reproduce the
heep sound on all the classics.  Over the years I have seen him become more
of a performer as well, with smiles, and hand motions.  He has evolved from
just a player into an entertaining performer.  Him and Davey do most of all
the background vocals, and his voice I never realized how impressive until I
heard his solo record last summer.

Bernie, always the charismatic front man!  He hit the notes he hits, and
talks it up between songs.  Just don¹t pay attention to the dates of songs
he mentions, he just rattles it off, and no one bothers correcting him
anymore.  Only diehards like myself know the difference anyway.  LOL!

I had talked with each band member after the show, Russell for quite a bit,
and he says that the tour with Judas Priest is giving the band great
exposure in venues they wouldn¹t currently be able to play on their own, and
opening them to the hard metal fanbase.  He said the reaction has been

I thoroghly enjoyed the show and it was such a treat to get 6 new songs
live, and yet heep played all the classic essentials you would expect.  As I
mentioned at the outset it was just material from 1st 5 records, 1 from
abomingog and the rest from LTD!!

Bob "All Heep is Good Heep" Winward
uriahheep at comcast.net

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