[Heeplist] Living The Dream Preview

Pete Wharton heeppete at sky.com
Thu Aug 16 02:31:19 EDT 2018

Don't know if this came through the first time I sent it so I'm retrying it.




Just back home from Heepvention and back at computer. On Sunday at
Heepvention, we were privileged to get a run through of the new album. I
don't know if it was played in the final cd order or not or just as random
tracks. Bearing in mind that wasn't done in a small room or with headphones,
there may have been some sound anomalies on where I was sat listening to it.
So just some quick thoughts on our one and only run through which of course
we were requested not to record!


It definitely seemed (like grazed by heaven) very very heavy on the bass and
drums. Both Joe Keenan and I commented after the first five tracks about
there seeming to be a lack of those Heep harmonies, but we did get some on
the later tracks. Bear in mind the note about not knowing the correct track
order. On one track, Mick seems to have just disappeared and gone for a tea
break or something. Phil seemed very low down in the mix apart form one
track where he does get to solo for a while. Fortunately Mick it seems must
have finished his tea break in time for the other tracks :)  A couple of
tracks that could be commercial sort of, maybe.  I don't know about the
Panzer doing 80 analogy, I think more like a Chieftain tank doing 120! 


I think it could raise quite some discussion. If you're expecting classic
Heep, forget it, it isn't happening. I guess it's just an evolving of Wake
The Sleeper and Outsider. Personally I think I missed the lack of any out
and out gentler song.


There's an expression in England to do with the Marmite spread, where you
either love it or hate it, this could be along the similar lines. 


For Mac, it's also like having baked beans for breakfast, you either get it
or you don't :)

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