[Heeplist] Youtube

Terje Pedersen terjped at hotmail.com
Sun Jan 21 07:47:04 EST 2018

I have tried to find a clear answer to this myself Filip since I have a Youtube channel with Heep stuff.  I know You can not get paid for using others stuff but I haven't found any rules against posting music there. If so Youtube would have 10 billion lawsuits I think lol  :D

Here is my little channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5742QnubNUhVYeHV6f_tSg


-----Opprinnelig melding-----
Fra: Heeplist [mailto:heeplist-bounces at travellersintime.com] På vegne av Filip Björner
Sendt: 21. januar 2018 09:10
Til: Heepsters Mailing List (Travellers in Time) <heeplist at travellersintime.com>
Emne: [Heeplist] Youtube

I wonder about copyright rules for uploading Heep songs on Youtube. There are a few Heep Songs I would like to treat my own way with some pics and texts in videos. Is it legal to upload such files? And are there things I should do so the band can benefit from it? I would appreciate any tip about how to handle this seriously.

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