[Heeplist] The Park

Bob uriaheep at comcast.net
Thu Mar 16 15:55:12 EDT 2017

Just a little personal memory of Uriah Heep's The Park.
Back in the early 80's my wife and I would go to the beach almost every Sunday. After a day of sun and suds we would come back to the house and turn on the radio for psychedelic Sunday. 
This was the best AOR DJ I had ever heard, Jamie Brooks on Rock 105 in Jacksonville Fl.

The show started off with the jazzy instrumental portion of The Park. At the quiet pauses this classic almost whisper voiced DJ would fill in each pause, in sequence with:
"And welcome"  -music- "To Rock 105's" -music- "psychedelic Sunday" 

He would then proceed to play all the great rock 'n' roll hits including a lot Uriah Heep.
He knew a lot about the musical artists and would tell stories between tracks.

This went on for several years. 
No radio like that anymore.

Sent from my iPhone

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