[Heeplist] NHC Dream Theater and Ten Years After

Terje Pedersen terjped at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 9 13:28:06 EST 2016

There was so many bands, but since You mention Ten Years After. Did You
listen to the "live at Fillmore east 1970"  that is a very good live album.
And don’t get me started on Neil Young even, one of my all time favorites.
Listen to Psychedelic Pill from 2012..fantastic album :)
Dream Theater is, well too much theater and too little dream for me. Have a
good live album though, but not very exiting band.


-----Opprinnelig melding-----
Fra: Heeplist [mailto:heeplist-bounces at travellersintime.com] På vegne av
Filip Björner
Sendt: 9. mars 2016 05:26
Til: Heepsters Mailing List Travellers in Time
<heeplist at travellersintime.com>
Emne: [Heeplist] NHC Dream Theater and Ten Years After

I remember from when I was on the Heeplist last time that when we talked
about other bands several heepsters mentioned DreamTheater as one of their
favourite bands. At that time I have never heard them. Last year I listened
through all their studio records, and I was very disapointed. The music is
interesting. They are skillful musicians, and some of the songs are very
good compositions. But... I dont like their vocalists. There are only a few
songs where I can enjoy the vocal, but unfortunately those songs are not
among their best instrumental tracks.

In the 70ies there were several more or less interesting bands around, which
I didnt buy any records of. I bought many records of many bands, but here
I'm just going to mention a few bands which I didnt buy any records of. And
the reason for this is that I had friends who was very into these bands, so
I heard a lot of them in their homes, and that was enough. There was solo
musicians such as Neil Young and Santana. And there was bands, such as REO
Speedwagon, Blue Oyster Cult, BOC, Kansas, Rush etc. My friends played their
records, and I didnt bother to buy them. One of those bands was Ten Years
After. I heard them, now and then, and had no record with them.
Last year I listened through all studio records by Ten years After, and I
found them at best being experimental and potential, rather then full
fledged good song composers...
I listened through their records in chronological order, following my
decision to listen through it all. And then suddenly I heard a record which
blew my mind. It was made in 2004 and the name is "Now". It contains only
eight tracks (which gives me a certain nostalgic LP feeling), with a nice
mix of rockers and ballads. And I had never heard it before. And I just
couldnt stop playing it. It is that damned good. And I just like to share
this with you, in case you havent heard it, and want to hear something new
and thrilling.My guess is that that record was produced by an excellent
producer who guided the band through the process. Because in each of these
songs they have managed to purify the gold and make the most of it.I have
also heard a live album with them, made afterwards, and containing some of
the songs from "Now". And that was disapointing. They dont deliver those
songs well, so I can not recommend that live record. But I believe their
poor live performance underscores my speculating point about what made the
production of that studio album so good. I really guess it was due to a
phantom producer.

I have also listened through all studio records by Lynyrd Skynyrd. That is a
band which I like better than those two mentioned above. But none of their
studio records was as good as that thrilling record made so late in their
carreer by Ten Years After. The record I like best by Lynyrd Skynyrd is Edge
of Forever. It sounds kinda mature. 

Well... I really recommend listening to "Now", if you have missed it.

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