[Heeplist] Fake Heep records on sale at ebay?

Terje Pedersen terjped at hotmail.com
Sat Oct 10 19:05:23 EDT 2015

As a record collector and mostly in Heep records I do follow very closely
whats going on at ebay and other online stores.
Recently I seen quite a few of the very sought after Heep Vertigo UK 1st
issue albums on ebay, and not only the Vertigo ones which normally go for
like £300-400 but also first issues of other Heep albums.
The thing that caught my eye is that while the sleeve looks to have some age
the records looks brand new and are sold as mint condition. And also, they
ALL come from the Ukraine.  I wonder why so many first issues ended up
behind the iron curtain in the early 70`s, if I should guess I would say
exactly none ended up there :-P 
So I am willing to bet this is all fakes and some people trying to scam
collectors.   Nothing new really but not often seen with Heep records so
just wanted to post a warning here...

Heep on

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