[Heeplist] Heep

Don Malecic docofun at gmail.com
Sat Jan 31 18:36:45 EST 2015


Just visited the Amazon book store,  Canada. There is a David Byron Born to
preform selling for 300.06 CDN plus 6.49 shipping? (used)
Whats up with that deal?
Anyway, just looking at the book. Uriah Heep " Uncensored"  On the record.
Has any one read it?

Interesting to read some of the reviews on the book. Here is one from Todd
Fischer. Anyone heard of him?
His name sounds familiar.

Vanity got the best of me, so I bought it. While flattered by how much ink
I got, the distortions and outright fabrication of events attributed to me
make me question how much else Mr. Ling constructed. An example: "Todd
Fisher: “I sometimes had the job of rounding up females. It was never too
difficult. A few calls to the local university would produce a deluge of
young women ready to party with a group of young men equally up for the

Absolutely fabricated! Hell, I had enough trouble finding a lady for
myself, let alone a whole band. Ling must have been on the crack pipe when
he wrote THIS. There NEVER was a "procurer" for the band. We were each on
his own. Ling aparently extracted many anectdotes that I wrote over 14
years ago for forums and chat groups on the web. You can search the web for
"Uriah Heep Todd Fisher" and read the original stories, then compare to
what Ling offers up here.

Mr. Ling's credibility took a major dive from my perspective. Still,
despite the "creative license" he takes, the overall story is good, albeit
fiction in many senses. Worth the three bucks, but not more. -Thomas "Todd"

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