[Heeplist] Heep's popularity in Russia

Igor Shveitser zlenko_iv at mail.ru
Wed Oct 29 17:35:32 EDT 2014

 Yes, Shawn, to some extent. At least, much popular than some other typical American acts, much-much-much more than Springsteen, Skynyrd or much rockier Ted Nugent; I believe, classic KISS was very popular, their logos on the walls were as often in my childhood (early-mid 80-s), as Manowar's, AC/DC's, Metalica's, Iron Maiden's or Accept's. :)))
Cheers, Igor

Wed, 29 Oct 2014 13:43:43 -0500 от Shawn Mctopy <shawn.mctopy at selu.edu>:
>Just curious, but are  KISS popular in Russia?
>On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 12:10 PM, Igor Shveitser  < zlenko_iv at mail.ru > wrote:
>>Welcome to the list Elena,
>>However, your statement about Heep's popularity in our country (even in our Moscow, if it comes to that) seems to be too brave - have you visited Robert Plant's gig a few years back? He (like DP, IM or R.Waters) easily managed to get 15-18000 in Olimpiyski while the likes of Heep are lucky if they get from 1 to 3 thousand spectators in some smaler venue. Olimpiyski is no longer for them, unlike 1987 when they had sold out shows for 10 days in a row. As the saying goes, Socrates is my friend but truth to me is dearer :) Since I've been visiting quite a lot of shows for the last 20-something years, I'd say Heep (as they are now, not the legendary classic Hensley-Byron-etc. version) are still popular, but, of course, not as current DP or Iron Maiden. But if we talk about "back then", than, yes, Heep are no less popular than any classic act LZ inclusive.
>>Cheers, your fellow muscovite, Igor
>>Igor Shveytser
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