[Heeplist] Reply about radio

Igor Shveitser zlenko_iv at mail.ru
Wed Aug 6 09:10:17 EDT 2014

Just don't turn it on! :) That's my way with the plague (TV and radio) since early 90-s when along with good things tons of crap started to pollute minds and ears of people in the former USSR. I am sure, it is similar everywhere on this globe. Better enjoy your (presumably) vast collections!
Cheers, Igor

Wed, 6 Aug 2014 09:45:47 +0200 от Terje Pedersen <terjped at hotmail.com>:
>Always great to hear Heep on the radio, it doesn’t happen too often. Not here anyway since the radio channels here sucks. Normally the radio channels here play either only 80`s music since they all grew up then or they play mainstream crap. One channel I know always play Bryan Adams and Bon Jovi almost every morning, and I`m so tired of it. One morning I turned it on they were playing "the summer of 69" for the thousand time and I cursed and switched channels, the other channel was playing...you guessed it. The same bleeding song lol 
>More Heep on radio!!! ;-D

Igor Shveytser

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