[Heeplist] My Outsider review

Bob Winward uriahheep at comcast.net
Thu Jun 26 07:14:40 EDT 2014

I am replying to both Stan and Jay.  In my world every Heep cd is a 10!!  It
is just some are more robust 10's than others.

I am liking and loving every song on the cd now. The Law was probably the
hardest for me to like initially, but once I got past the chant of the
chorus, the song itself is lively.  Another struggle I had was the juvinile
sounding lyrics on Rock the Foundation, specifically the use of the word
Baby, but the more you listen to the song it is just so strong musically,
catchy and lively one cannot help but like it. So when I sing along I say
Bobby instead of baby.  It works for me.

Stan mentions Jessie, that is still my favorite.  It smokes, cooks and
rocks!!  I love the opening where the bass comes punching in.  it is a big
loud statement that says 'Hi I am Davey"  and sort of reminds me of the
opening riffs of Lady Evil from Black Sabbath with Dio or almost Smoke on
the Water.

Lastly I sent my boss One Minute to listen to and here is his quote:

" Btw, I listed to this in the car twice. I LOVE it! You turned me on to
these  guys ­ I¹ll have to try some more of their songs. Thanks!"

I wonder what he will think of July Morning, lol!

Bob WinwardWorld

On 6/25/14 9:44 PM, "Stan" <evens78 at chartermi.net> wrote:

> Jay - Thanks for this excellent review, you've expressed a lot of my opinions!
> I would just add that Celestina and Jessie are very hot twins, and you can't
> take that away!
> Stan

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