[Heeplist] California Breed

Jay Pearson deepheep at yahoo.com
Wed May 21 15:21:44 EDT 2014

Hi y'all!

Being the huge Glenn Hughes fan that I am, I had to have this album the day it came out, and am not disappointed. This is as good as any of the Black Country Communion albums with an even heavier Zep vibe. Had to search for a while to find the deluxe edition bonus track "Solo", but that was well worth it, it's one of the better songs.

While I mentioned a Zeppelin vibe, and it's clear that the young guitarist is inspired by Page, they're not a clone band, although it's more unmistakable than ever who Jason Bonham's father is!! Definitely a funkier feel than BCC, this is definitely one of my favorite Hughes/related albums I've heard after only 2 listens.

Like the current Heep, it sounds modern while solidly rooted in a 70s rock sound. (I'm not saying it sounds anything like Heep!!!)

It's a solid 4-star album (Glenn hasn't seemed capable of doing a 5-star album for the last 20 years) and a must have for Hughes fans. It certainly has grabbed my attention a lot more than Asia's new album!!

np - California Breed (3x thru)

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