[Heeplist] Trevor Hensley

merrick3 at comcast.net merrick3 at comcast.net
Sun Apr 13 19:38:59 EDT 2014

For starters Trevor is a wonderful person and I met him in England many moons ago. With facebook we are able to keep in touch with people at a moments notice. Going back to the story, I had Psychedelic Mist going for a number of years. My self and my very talented harpist Laura Cole, she is my partner in crime. From time to time I would send Trevor a note or link hey check this out or that out of maybe a song we did or video. Trevor asked me a while back if we would be interested in doing one of his songs. he was very curios how the harp would work/sound on one of his songs. 

Before the holidays we talked about it and I asked Trevor to send the song and he did. he also sent charts etc. My first listen I was hooked, I told my harpist you have to hear this song and our singer Natasha Julian loved as much as we did. Natasha is now core with us and we really enjoy having her. 

We had some shows and i had some surgery so we could not get to Trevor's song or for that matter creating anything original. The 3 of us knew we needed to shift gears. We did a live show and by that time recorded Everything without our our guitarist or bass player. When I am in the studio I have to have people that can work as hard as i do and I can't play games. The guitar player and his son who played bass quit. (another story for another time) 

We went through a rough week or so of what was going to happen with us as a band and then we said lets change the name of the band. We came up with Never Land. We started playing Trevor's song and it snowballed from there. We had one more show and had to do it as a trio. We finished that show and got into writing and recording mode. I felt we were ready to record Trevor's song and we did so in our Never Land Studio. This is not meant for any kind of official release. it is meant for anyone to enjoy and we wanted to justice to the song. We were nervous because we wanted to a good job. Trevor told us we stayed true to the song while at the same time making it our own. That comment meant a great deal to us. 

I hope this is a good story for everyone and please take a listen to one by one and a couple other songs we have recorded. We will be doing an official release soon of our song EVERYTHING. Side note on that song, we had it mastered at Abbey Road Studios England. 



p.s. URIAH (can't wait for the new release) HEEP forever 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Heepfan1" <ehallib at earthlink.net> 
To: "Heepsters Mailing List (Travellers in Time)" <heeplist at travellersintime.com> 
Sent: Sunday, April 13, 2014 6:57:50 PM 
Subject: Re: [Heeplist] Trevor Hensley 

Congrats, Merrick! This is a great song. Your vocalist is great and perfect for this song. How did did you get the nod from Trevor? This would be a very interesting story. Let us know and thanks for posting this. 


-----Original Message----- 
>From: merrick3 at comcast.net 
>Sent: Apr 13, 2014 8:21 AM 
>To: heeplist <heeplist at travellersintime.com> 
>Subject: [Heeplist] Trevor Hensley 
>Hey everyone we just recorded a new song. Yes it is a by Trevor Hensley. He asked us if we would put our spin on it and we did. We hope you like it it is called one by one. When Trevor asked us a while back if we would do this first listen was with out question we said yes. The song is brilliant. Thankyou Trevor giving us the honor of putting the Never Land spin on one by one. 
>p.s. URIAH HEEP forever 
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>Heeplist at travellersintime.com 
>Travellers in Time Website 
>Official Uriah Heep Website 

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