[Heeplist] Lee's new cd (it's lee so it's heep related)

Heepfan1 ehallib at earthlink.net
Sat Feb 8 15:31:10 EST 2014

I have the CD, too, but I may not quite share everyone else's enthusiasm.  So I won't comment further. 

-----Original Message-----
>From: Bob Winward <uriahheep at comcast.net>
>Sent: Feb 8, 2014 11:04 AM
>To: "Heepsters Mailing List (Travellers in Time)" <heeplist at travellersintime.com>
>Subject: [Heeplist] Lee's new cd (it's lee so it's heep related)
>Hey, is there anyone else on the list that has the CD and likes it?  What is
>really cool, when you take out the cd there is a picture of Lee under the
>disk.     Anyhow, I have played a few times through and this is the real
>deal.  It is rock solid blues rock, every song is strong.  The vocals are
>outstanding, the guitar work stunning.  It is so great to hear new music
>with Lee¹s powerful drumming, strong and steady throughout.  He has such a
>signature on the drums and it shines like the sun (no haziness with his
>playing).  I can hear Lee¹s contributions to the writing, vocals, style and
>the music is not just powerful blues rock, there is really great sounding
>keys and mellotron that gives it a very nice touch.  The more I listen to
>the lead vocals, it sounds more like John Lawton than Coverdale.  Lastly,
>the bass is excellent.  It appears to be a power trio with keyboard
>The cd is highly recommended and readily available in the USA from NEH
>records.  It only took 3 days by US mail to get here, I am impressed.
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