[Heeplist] Smoke on the Water

DAVID M SHERROD porcupineheep at cox.net
Thu Sep 12 20:48:02 EDT 2013

I listened a few times, but got very bored with it, the guitar solos add nothing to the album, The keys are decent but, it just has nothing to offer that I like. The only real thing I ever liked about Purple was Blackmore, and the interplay with Jon Lord, when Ritchie was leading, Ian was and is a very good drummer, but again without Ritchie they just have no fire to their sound and it just sit there. I admit they are all very talented and play well but they no longer have anything I enjoy hearing.

Bob Winward <uriahheep at comcast.net> wrote:

>I just posted on facebook some pictures.  There is a huge fire on the
>Seaside Boardwalk along the Atlantic.  I can see across the bay from my
>house.  This is the same boardwalk destroyed and just rebuilt from hurricane
>Sandy last November.
>On a nicer note, I listened to the New Deep Purple CD again today, it is
>their best since Burn and I don¹t hand out accolades to often to non heep
>groups.  Has anyone gave it more than 4-5 listens, it is awesome and gets
>better and better.  I could not stand any DP since Perfect Strangers,
>although Rapture of the Deep was ok, the rest were not as good as this one!!!
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