[Heeplist] Black Sabbath Show

DAVID M SHERROD porcupineheep at cox.net
Thu Aug 1 16:12:36 EDT 2013

The whole Sabbath think is crazy, I hate the fact Ozzy got the fame after leaving the band without doing much of anything, the real talent was in Sabbath, and now for people as talented as Tony, and Geezer, have no real choice but to hook up with Ozzy to make any money, not to mention the fact that Bill Ward got left out. I understand why Tony and Geezer had to go along without Bill, but I still don't like it. But it's sad to see these talented player's stuck backing Ozzy who is year's past his ability to sing live. I just hope they don't tour anymore, and still I do hope they can fix things so they can record one more album with Bill, and end it right.

Wayne Catalde <2robcatway at att.net> wrote:

>I could not agree more!
>The footage I've seen from the recent shows Ozzy sounds horrendous! Without 
>Bill Ward I have no desire what so ever to throw money away at anything 
>By the way the Drummer is the guy that's played the last few Ozzy solo 
>tours, he's F'ing terrible!
>> Let me start by saying that I feel about Black Sabbath the way most of you 
>> feel about Heep.  However based on videos I've seen of the first couple of 
>> shows, and people's reactions I hate to say it but Sabbath are done.  It's 
>> not the same without Bill - they can't say it's a "reunion" if he's not 
>> involved.  I don't even know who's playing drums and honestly couldn't 
>> care less.  Ozzy has become a parody of himself  -- its almost like people 
>> are coming to shows just to see if he makes it to the end.  Tony's and 
>> Geezer's playing  - while still almost flawless - is wasted backing that 
>> clown. don't get me wrong - I love Ozzy so much - but it's like he's 
>> Sharon's puppet - as long as he's got breath in his lungs she's going to 
>> shove him up onstage for a quick money grab.
>> Just my two cents.
>> Rys x
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