[Heeplist] New here

Rys rys_miller at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 26 13:13:32 EDT 2013

Staf, you're awesome.  And Igor sent me the same address too so I just hit John up for an interview!!  Now I gotta come up with some questions!! :)

Jay - I'm in Brooklyn, New York, like walking distance from Coney Island (remember the movie the Warriors??)

How I got into Heep - well I'm a metal fan first and foremost - my 2 favorite bands are Motorhead (the classic lineup) and Black Sabbath.  I had always known who Heep were but never really explored their catalog.  Then a friend of mine named Ken Pierce ran a contest on his site for free tickets to see Heep at BB Kings so I jumped at the chance.  Let me say honestly I didn't know what to expect at the show, a bunch of old dudes in tie dye on stage I guess? But the band totally blew me away.  I was right in front of Trevor all night and I literally had my jaw on the ground in awe watching him.  I'm so lucky to have had that experience.  I actually took a photo of him looking right at me and I tweeted, "I am now in love with this man!" Haha.  Here's a link to the photos I took that night (the password is penguin) http://s7.photobucket.com/user/babypengy/library/Uriah%20Heep%2011142012

Needless to say after the gig I went back and checked out the bands back catalog, including offshoot bands – and decided I was obsessed with John Lawtons voice – OH my god! (insert fan girl noise here!)

Ok I’m prattling on now – too much coffee!!

Rys x

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