[Heeplist] Live Fire live

Bob Winward uriahheep at comcast.net
Mon Jul 22 08:08:18 EDT 2013

I listened to the new Ken Hensley live fire live over the week and was
shocked at how good it is.  This is what Heep would have sounded like if Ken
had stayed and Mick left.  The guitarist is really good not on Mick¹s level
but good.  The drummer and bass are adequate, the vocalist sounds like a
limited range Byron, but more Heepish then anyone Heep has had since Byron.
The big news is the keyboards.  The organ is loud, upfront and dominating.
There are 14 tracks, 10 of which are Heep songs.  Stealin has a 5 minute
keyboard solo in the beginning of the song.   I even like this version of
Lady in Black, it has a thumping bass line as an intro.  He doesn¹t just
play the Heep songs, he improves them.

I highly recommend this, especially if you want to know what a Ken Hensly
led Heep would sound like today.

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