


Mick celebrated his birthday while on tour in the North America. His son, Michael, was traveling with the band to see his  dad  in action. Mick remarked that due to Heep's touring schedule,  this was the first time he had ever been with Michael on his birthday.


For many  years,  Mick  has  communicated  with  the audiences with a series of hand gestures such as miming the lyrics  of  July Morning,  apparently plucking notes out of the air, and gesturing  a warm 'thank you' to the audience. Recently Phil, Lee and Mick have begun to throw an invisible  object around the stage during performances.  My  best  guess  is the  object is a magic biscuit. Mick  throws  the  biscuit  behind  his  back and  Phil catches it mid-note.  Just  as  quickly,  Phil  lobs  the  biscuit to  Lee who speedily relays it back to Mick.  This  scene  is  repeated  often during concerts.  The  reason  I  think  the  object is a biscuit is because  on  occasion  Phil catches it in his mouth  and gobbles  it down.  Obviously, if the biscuit is invisible, it must be magic! 



In a surprising development,  Ken   Hensley   and   John Lawton were special  guests at  the  Magician's  Birthday Party,  a special Uriah Heep concert  on  December 7th, 2001  at  Shephards  Bush Empire,  London.  Rumors have  abounded  over  the   years  of   a   possible  collaboration between  Uriah  Heep  and  former Heep member  Hensley.  Ken was  Heep's  primary  songwriter  in  the  '70s.   Former   Focus member,  Thijs Van Leer,  was  also a special guest of the band.



The  2001  Magician's Birthday Party was a three day event  in London  with  a  John  Lawton Band  concert  on   December 6th,   the  Magician's  Birthday Party Heep concert on the 7th, and  a  Ken  Hensley &  John Wetton  concert  on  the  8th. Additionally,  the  Heep  Festival  Club   provided   entertainment during  the  daytime  hours  and  included  a   press  conference, band  interviews,  an  auction  of  Heep  memorabilia,  and  was capped off  with an excellent  Lawton-Dunning acoustic concert. Uriah Heep  plans  to  have  a  special event similar to  the MBP each  year  if  possible.



A Russian  brand  of vodka has been manufactured in the honor of Uriah Heep.  The vodka has a photo of the band on the  label. Here's what Lee had to say about it...  "We had a Vodka named after us, it's called 'Drinking Eagles Vodka, Extra Strong Russian Uriah Heep'. That's all that is on the label with our picture. None of  us  have  tried it,  but we use it to clean the cymbals!"



In a stunning move, the 2002 remasters of The Diary of a Madman and  The  Blizzard of  Oz were released with the re-recorded bass and  drum  tracks.  Many  fans  have  expressed  outrage over the decision  to  tamper with the classic Ozzy albums which originally included  bass  tracks  by  Bob  Daisley  and drum tracks by Lee Kerslake.  Sharon  Osbourne  indicated  the altering of  the tracks was  done  because  Bob  and  Lee  had  continually harassed the Osbournes.   Bob  and   Lee  pointed  out  in  their  statement  in response to her allegations that the only contact they've had with the Osbournes has  been  through their attorneys concerning  the suit for unpaid royalties.



The popularity of  the Internet led to the communication between many  Heep fans since  the mid 90s. Although the Heep websites had  their  place   in  bringing  the  fans  together,   I  believe  the Heepsters Mailing  List  played  a  very  important  role in formal gatherings  of Heep fans,  or Heepventions  as  they  came to be known.  The  primary  Heepventions  so  far  have  been:

October 1997 St. Louis, Missouri
May 1998 Cleveland, Ohio
July 1999 Myrtle Beach, SC
May 2000 London, UK

This information  is  not meant to take away from the formal Heep gatherings in Japan  (Circle of Hands),  the  Heep  Tribute concert in Finland or the Stay on Top Conventions in Germany.





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