Though the video has never surfaced we know the date and location of the source. It's speculated the original film is long gone or whether or not it would have survived this length of time but this would be a magical piece of footage to uncover if it were possible. The band was on an eight date Swiss tour and the schedule called for them to play the single version of "Look At Yourself". The group decided on their own regard to play Why instead. It's reported that Gerry Bron was livid with anger and it's a known fact he never cared for the song to start with and that was the reason it didn't get included on the original album.
Many memories are available about this footage:
"I remember the Brussels TV show and, as you quite correctly state, we were scheduled to play "Look At Yourself", but actually played a version of "Why". I think we had consumed a few drinks etc and so it seemed a good idea at the time! Gerry Bron was pretty annoyed as the slot was booked for promoting the Look at Yourself album. The main reason I remember the show is that another British band were on the show [Brian Davison's Every Which Way] and I had worked with Brian, the drummer, in another band called Shinn in 1967. This band broke up and Brian went on to play with Keith Emerson in The Nice. I had not seen since then so it was good to catch up." Paul Newton
"I remember we were in Belgium to do a TV show and we rehearsed in the afternoon with "Look At Yourself" - which was the single we were promoting at the time. But then when we actually came to do the show - which was live, we decided at the last minute to play "Why" instead (Ha ha ha) - much to the amazement and horror of the producer. And I think the show actually over-ran as a result of that. They were going berserk in the control room because they were expecting us to play one number and we just said 'to hell with it - let's play this one instead!'...." Iain Clark
May 2, 1971
Aired: Live Venue: Unknown Location: Brussels, Belgium Length: Unknown Quality: N/A Lineup: |