
This website is the result of countless hours of work by many to present the information contained.   A team of the top people with knowledge of David's life and career helped assemble the ultimate place of information.  From files past, present and future it comes to life only by the dedication of those who wish the memory of David's life live forever like it has in our hearts.   Originally built in 2005, today this website has evolved into something more original and complete than anything ever to exist.

Ron Mann [website design, written information and research], Mac Steagall [writing, editing and research], Ralf Schünemann [research and rare recording information], Kevin Julie [research and rare recording information], Roy Landgren [rare recordings and photographs], Jeff Perkins [biography assistance], Colin Richardson [rare recording information], Konstantinos Takos [live recording information and research], Barry Lombardo, Jr. [video research, rare magazine scans and live recording information], Masanobu Waki [rare recording information] and Glen Doucet [rare recording information].

The following list isn't complete and to those out there who have spent time and energy helping with photographs, articles, rare items, video or just encouragement we thank you for the help.  There is no degree of the amount of help; all help is appreciated in the same regard.

Our thanks go out to following that have also provided help over the years:

Rodrigo Werneck
Dave Owen
Dan Diehl
Tapio Minkkinen
The Heepfiles)
Alan Keetley
Iain Barnes
Charlie Gibb
Brian Worth
Rob Dwyer 
Uwe Rueters
Kjell Erik Berg
Dave Sherrod
Mike Taylor
Dana Dyck
Todd Fischer
Hilco Arendshorst
Classic Rock Photos)
Harry Otten
Leo & Monique Spruit
Martin Meuffels
Joe Cogan
Richard Wagner
Don Ellis

And The Webteam at  
[Dave White and Louis Rentrop]

Bernd 'Bernie' Reichert
Elena Stepanova
Lennaert Wassink
Lannis Ethridge
Bobbie Hinson
Alan Edlund
Jef Gustafson
Jay Pearson 
Boris Shnitzer
Michael Sidorchuk
Martin Kramer 
François Pitton
Ad van Noort
Barry Hoffman
Barry McIntosh
Hiro Matsushita
Dale Fredericks
Andre Sokolnikov
Ed Halliburton, Jr.
Lars Pop
Dave Dubuc
Brad Todd

If for some reason we forgot to mention your name please forgive us and contact the administration to correct the situation.  Nobody was left off intentionally.